Justice Update – Ukraine (Nearly) Joins ICC and Invades Russia
Iryna Marchuk discusses Ukraine’s membership of the ICC and Craig Martin explains the legalities of Ukraine’s recent invasion of Russia.
Iryna Marchuk discusses Ukraine’s membership of the ICC and Craig Martin explains the legalities of Ukraine’s recent invasion of Russia.
Reed Brody talks about his life and career in international criminal justice
Stephanie and Janet sit down with Beth van Schaak to talk about the role of the United States in international criminal justice
Kjell Anderson talks to Stephanie and Janet about Dominic Ongwen and other perpetrators of war crimes and genocide
Janet and Stephanie talk to Dianne Marie Amman and Francine Hirsch about the enduring significance of Nuremberg and the need for a new narrative
Filmmaker Lisa Clifford on the trial of Germain Katanga
Journalist Danny Kemp on witnessing war crimes in Ukraine
Experts from Canada discuss the state’s responsibility for crimes against humanity against indigenous children and the efforts to find the truth.
How can the ICC have jurisdiction over wr crimes that happen in places that are not members of the court? Kevin Jon Heller explains in this re-run.
Who are the activists behind the climate cases we are covering? What motivates them?
Ecocide is a concept that has been brought into sharp focus with the destruction of the dam in Ukraine. What is it and how might it work at the ICC?
What next for Felicien Kabuga, unfit to stand trial for the Rwandan genocide, but possibly facing an alternative procedure never before heard of in international criminal tribunals.
What is Vanuatu asking at the ICJ about states obligations to prevent climate change? Margaretha Wewerincke-Singh explains.
Universal Jurisdiction cases for atrocity crimes – are they the new norm?
This week the international justice community has been brought together in mourning by the passing of Benjamin Ferencz. Ferencz served as the chief prosecutor for the United States Army during the Einsatzgruppen trial, one of twelve trials for war crimes and crimes against humanity part of the Nuremberg Trials. Later in his career Ferencz became a champion for the establishment […]
Mariana Casij Peña guides us through the fascinating experiment in transitional justice in Colombia.
How to make sure that local prosecutors are equipped to tackle atrocity crimes? Maxine Marcus, Kathy Roberts and Drita Hajdari explain.
A trial in Sweden for crimes committed in Iran shows the potential of universal jurisdiction in ensuring justice is served.
On the day of Gambia’s historic filing with the ICJ to ask Myanmar to ‘stop the genocide of the Rohingya’ Janet and Stephanie talk to Akila Radhakrishnan of the Global Justice Center
Our first live podcast with Alix Vuillemin and Dieneke de Vos on sexual harassment in international institutions #IWD2020.
Is it possible to get accountability for alleged war crimes in Yemen? Could European arms exporters be held responsible for the damage their bombs have done?
Away from war crimes Janet and Stephanie look at advocacy for justice, truth and reparations in Ireland where thousands of unmarried women were forced into mother and baby homes run by the church or the state.
How is Canada facing up evidence of cultural genocide with the discovery of mass graves at former residential schools for indigenous children?
What the verdict on former Serbian Secret Service officials Stanišić and Simatović can tell us about the future of prosecution of war crimes in Serbia.
What’s the ICC’s state of health as the new prosecutor takes over? Diane Orentlicher and Dire Tladi discuss the big problems facing the court.
Incoming ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan talks about justice for Iraqi minorities after his three-year long position as Head of UNITAD.
Janet and Stephanie discuss Lebanon’s issues with ensuring accountability with Olga Kavran (ex-STL) and Aya Majzoub from Human Rights Watch
We discuss the first ever Darfur trial at the ICC, with the confirmation of hearing of Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-al-Rahman for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
As IJMonitor stops watching the ICC, we ask Taegin Reisman and Jennifer Easterday why should we monitor atrocity crimes trials?
Welcome! During the 18th edition of the Assembly of State Parties in The Hague we created a menu of content for all those international justice junkies with a big appetite, enough to satisfy your cravings for a whole day, at least. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Asymmetrical Haircuts is produced as a podcast, meaning it is meant to be listened to and not read. Because of this, we recommend that you listen to the episode while reading, because the written word does not do justice to the emotion or tone used by our speakers. However, because we recognise there might be bandwidth issues or you […]
Disclaimer: Asymmetrical Haircuts is produced as a podcast, meaning it is meant to be listened to and not read. Because of this, we recommend that you listen to the episode while reading, because the written word does not do justice to the emotion or tone used by our speakers. However, because we recognise there might be bandwidth issues or you […]