Justice Update – First LRA verdict

Dominic Ongwen in court February 4, 2021 for the judgement in his case (Photo Flickr/ICC-CPI)

So, finally, seventeen years after the Ugandan authorities asked the International Criminal Court to get involved in the conflict in northern Uganda, former Lords Resistance Army commander Dominic Ongwen was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. We discuss the judgment details and the way we are fascinated by the ‘tragic perpetrator’ narrative of former child soldier turned rebel leader, Ongwen. Hear from Thijs Bouwknegt, Kjell Anderson, Sharon Nakandha, Mark Drumbl, and sound from the presiding judge and Ongwen’s lawyer.

Also if you want to hear that past Kjell episode in full – check it out here.

This podcast has been produced as part of a partnership with JusticeInfo.net, an independent website in French and English covering justice initiatives in countries dealing with serious violence. It is a media outlet of Fondation Hirondelle, based in Lausanne, Switzerland.