What beckons for the year ahead?
Janet approached some old friends and some new ones at the annual meeting of the International Criminal Court and asked them what they expect for the New Year.
It was depressing.
But, on the other hand, they had some great recommendations and hopes for their reading/watching/listening this coming year.
Janet has been watching Black Doves on Netflix; Steph enjoys Narcos on Netflix and on HBO Como Ague Para Chocolate based on the Laura Esquivel novel big in the 90s and set in revolutionary Mexico; Reed Brody is looking forward to Philippe Sands on Pinochet; Michael recommends Sparks by Ian Johnson; Akila Radhakrishnan will be tackling female detectives; Owiso Owiso is enjoying The Parisian by Isabella Hammad; Katya recommends My Beloved Country by Elena Kostyuchenko; Ilya Nuvoz will be reading Serhii Plokhy The Russo-Ukrainian War and Karl Jasper on The Question of German Guilt; and Sarah Kahika Kasande runs true to form with Formula 1 (and Drive to Survive).