Much has been tweeted and much has been blogged about this extraordinary week at the International Court of Justice. The Hague became a battleground for competing shouting matches from both Rohingya activists and pro-Myanmar government activists from around the world. And inside the Peace Palace, the lawyers argued about Gambia’s request for provisional measures against Myanmar under the Genocide Convention.
Stephanie was run off her feet supplying the insatiable maw of news agency demands, while Janet hung out with lobbyists and supporters to take the temperature of the public debate.
Here are a few links, and enjoy the ‘cast!
Leiden’s Joe Powderly (AH star) predicts Aug Sang Suu Kyi’s day of reckoning may have come. And Stephanie points out how important this case is legally.
Day 1 from international lawyer (and AH star) Priya Pillai on the legal blog Opinio Juris, Day 2 from Priya Pillai, Day 3 from Priya Pillai.
Priya Pillai (again) in a discussion on alJazeera.
Janet moderates a panel with Rohingya activists for No Peace Without Justice. And theres’s this profile of Myanmar’s main lawyer William Schabas, that Stephanie helped to write for Reuters.
This podcast has been produced as part of a partnership with, an independent website in French and English covering justice initiatives in countries dealing with serious violence. It is a media outlet of Fondation Hirondelle, based in Lausanne, Switzerland.