Justice Update – Israel Palestine and International Law

Shahd Hammouri top left, bottom right Ata Hindi plus Janet and Stephanie

The news from Israel and Palestine is shocking to all of us, and challenging to the community of people who live and breathe international law. We thought we’d round up some of the current commentary by playing you some of an interview the ICC’s top prosecutor Karim Khan gave in reaction to the massacres, kidnappings, bombardments and siege and many many civilian deaths. We added in a discussion we had thought of many months ago, but which became urgent, asking some Palestinian academics who have been involved behind the scenes at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice in supporting civil society or preparing submissions, how they feel about the institutions that are supposed to uphold the international rule of law.

Ata Hindi is at Birzeit University and currently teaching at Tulane University in New Orleans, and Shahd Hammouri is at the University of Kent.

For our past coverage of the ICC’s investigation into Palestine you can listen here, and on the request for an advisory opinion on the occupation from the ICJ you can listen here. Janet did a piece for Justice Info too and Stephanie has been writing for Reuters.

This podcast has been produced as part of a partnership with JusticeInfo.net, an independent website in French and English covering justice initiatives in countries dealing with serious violence. It is a media outlet of Fondation Hirondelle, based in Lausanne, Switzerland.