Is listening to our podcast like having a great cup of coffee (bit of a buzz, maybe a warm feeling, but leaves you wanting more)? We love making Asymmetrical Haircuts, but it takes time and effort. So if you are a frequent and happy listener, please take a moment to think about what Asymmetrical Haircuts is worth to you and consider spending a corresponding amount on us; we’d be very grateful.
You can now support us by going to our Patreon page.
If you would prefer to make a one-time donation you can use the Donate button below (which goes to Steph’s media company Great Crested Grebe) and also help make the show more sustainable and pay our producer Margherita.
We have launched the monthly Asymmetrical Haircuts Newsletter! Here, we will share all the latest Asymmetrical Haircuts episodes, the monthly Patreon War Criminals Book Club review, our plans for the future, and what else we have been reporting on or reading. Subscribe below. If you want to see what they look like first, check our previous newsletters here.
Why did we decide to embark on this adventure? We started back in 2019 and the podcast has been evolving since then. Now, as the team has expanded, we welcome new producer Margherita Capacci. Your support will help make her work sustainable and avoid the interruption of adverts. We already get a small subsidy from which helps pay for some of our expenses, and via our memberships of The Hague Humanity Hub, we get a free space to record. Sometimes we do a paid collaboration with an organisation to get access or do a special podcast that contributes to debates on important issues. Via Patreon we want to raise money for website and equipment costs, pay for some of Margherita’s time, and leave a bit over to have regular events with our community.
What would you get?
Depending on the Patreon membership level you can get access to our bonus episodes – the monthly War Criminals Book Club with friend of the pod Molly Quell. Chances to in-person meetings are also possible as we plan to bring the community together twice a year. And we have our beloved mugs and water bottles ready for you.
We release new episodes on most Fridays. You can support us on Patreon. Please check out our page there.
We thank in advance anyone who is willing and able to support us. And to everyone supporting or not, thank you for listening. You can also follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to be up-to-date with all our news and episodes. Send us a direct message or an email if you have any comments or want to suggest new guests and topics.