Justice Update – ICC Tribulations and Syria Joy
Catch up with the latest news from the ICC and new developments in Syria
Catch up with the latest news from the ICC and new developments in Syria
Janet and Stephanie talk to Dianne Marie Amman and Francine Hirsch about the enduring significance of Nuremberg and the need for a new narrative
What just happened with the ICC application for arrest warrants in Israel Palestine? And what does it mean?
Mazen Darwish is a former Syrian political prisoner, committed to getting accountability for international crimes, for now via Universal Jurisdiction cases across Europe.
Alette Smeulers talk about the various types of perpetrators and how ordinary citizens can commit mass atrocities.
How have female jihadis returned from Islamic State been prosecuted across Europe.
Justice for victims of the Jammeh dictatorship in the Gambia is happening, but not in Banjul. We look at three universal jurisdiction cases.
New developments across Europe with investigations resulting in court cases about atrocities committed during Syria’s civil war.
Universal Jurisdiction cases for atrocity crimes – are they the new norm?
Klaus Rackwitz, a self-confessed start-up junkie, looks back at the beginning of the ICC and the Nuremberg legacy in relation to Ukraine.
We discuss the myths and realities of Nuremberg with Diane Marie Amann and Francine Hirsch
Jessica Dorsey and Aditi Gupta discuss the lack of transparent rules and secrecy of states in deploying armed drones.