Justice Update – ICC Tribulations and Syria Joy
Catch up with the latest news from the ICC and new developments in Syria
The investigative body set up by the United Nations to collect evidence against those response for the most serious crimes in international law in Syria since 2011
Catch up with the latest news from the ICC and new developments in Syria
Mazen Darwish is a former Syrian political prisoner, committed to getting accountability for international crimes, for now via Universal Jurisdiction cases across Europe.
Collecting evidence for crimes committed in Syria with head of the UN’s IIIM Catherine Marchi-Uhel.
Ten years on from the Yazidi genocide by IS fighters, we discuss what kind of accountability has been achieved for the thousands of dead and enslaved.
The latest on Myanmar Syria and Ukraine accountability.
Myanmar is back in our sights with hearings coming up at the ICJ over genocide, plus cases in Argentina and Rohingya refugees suing Facebook over hate speech.
How should we investigate mass graves? Kathryne Bomberger from the ICMP and the UN’s Agnes Callamard join us with a zoom audience to discuss the challenges facing states and victims’ families.
Private investigators collected evidence of atrocity crimes in places like Syria. Nerma Jelacic of CIJA explains what’s happening to that evidence now.