Episode 111 – Claims Commissions 101 with Chiara Giorgetti
Chiara Giorgetti talks about the work, goal and legacy of Claims Commissions and how thys system can work in Ukraine.
Chiara Giorgetti talks about the work, goal and legacy of Claims Commissions and how thys system can work in Ukraine.
What is the Register of Damages for Ukraine and how will it work?
Janet and Stephanie assemble a panoply of lawyers, activists and on-the-ground observers to talk about the Ongwen appeals decision at the ICC
Ukrainian judges talk about how the national judiciary is coping with trying war crimes while at war
Away from war crimes Janet and Stephanie look at advocacy for justice, truth and reparations in Ireland where thousands of unmarried women were forced into mother and baby homes run by the church or the state.
Incoming ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan talks about justice for Iraqi minorities after his three-year long position as Head of UNITAD.
Away from war crimes Janet and Stephanie look at advocacy for justice, truth and reparations in Ireland where thousands of unmarried women were forced into mother and baby homes run by the church or the state.
Janet and Stephanie talk to Sarah Kasande about what victim communities in northern Uganda made of Dominic Ongwen’s two hour statement to the ICC ahead of his sentencing
Appeals judgments ar a chance to look at the bigger picture of legal developments at the ICC – Janet and Stephanie discuss Ntaganda sexual and gender-based crimes and modes of liability, and Gbagbo acquittal.
Karine Bonneau of the Global Survivors Fund discusses the realistic prospects for reparations for Yezidi sexual violence survivors in Iraq and beyond, and Ntaganda’s victims in the DRC.
Reparations expert Lorraine Smith van Lin shares expert views with us from a fascinating discussion into what needs to change at the ICC for victims.
Janet and Stephanie call Kosovo journalist Una Hajdari to see what the view from Pristina is on a busy few weeks with the first Kosovo court arrests
Sharon Nakandha, transitional justice expert, explains how communities in northern Uganda see the trial of LRA commander Dominic Ongwen at the ICC. ,
To prepare for the the International Criminal Court’s assembly of state parties (ASP) Janet and Stephanie sit down with NGO representatives Liz Evenson, Amal Nasser and Alix Vuillemin Grendel to hear about the big issues at the ICC’s annual get-together
We speak with Lorainne Smith van Lin of Redress about reparations for victims at the ICC and why the process is taking so long